19:29 GMT
BAGHDAD, Aug. 5 (KUNA) -- Five people were killed and 16 others injured on Wednesday when two explosives-laden vehicles detonated at a parking lot in Sadr city, east of the capital, Baghdad, while security forces diffused three booby-trapped vehicles in various areas across Baghdad.
A security source told KUNA, that two vehicles laden with explosives, detonated at a marketplace in Sadr city, killing five people and injuring 16 others, all of whom were rushed to a medical facility for treatment.
Earlier on Wednesday, roadside bomb was, planted in a road in a commercial area in Ghazalia neighborhood, west of Baghdad, detonated, killing one and injuring four others.
Meanwhile, security forces and bomb disposal units managed to diffuse three booby-trapped vehicles in the areas of Al Saydia, south of Baghdad, Al A'amiriya, west of the capital and Al Husainiya, north of Baghdad. (end)