16:14 GMT
VIENNA, Oct 30 (KUNA) -- The International Narcotics Control Board (INCB) opens its 111th session in Vienna today, and will remain in session until 14 November 2014.
At the opening, the President of the Board, Dr. Lochan Naidoo, reiterated his concerns about access to essential medicines containing narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances being still insufficient in many parts of the world.
He said this was due to a variety of factors such as limited material resources and the need for increased training among healthcare professionals.
According to Dr. Naidoo, the capacity of governments to effectively estimate their needs for medicines and operate their regulatory systems also needed attention.
The Ebola health crisis has demonstrated the weakness of healthcare systems and the acute need to ensure the delivery of medical supplies at critical junctures, the INCB President said.
He also referred to the availability of medicines in other emergency situations, such as those caused by armed conflict.
He noted the obligation of parties in such cases to assure access to medicines to ensure treatment and prevent suffering. (end)