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Afghan MoD thanks Kuwait for its assistance

Afghan Minister of Defence Bismillah Khan Mohammadi
Afghan Minister of Defence Bismillah Khan Mohammadi

By Nawab Khan

(with photos) BRUSSELS, Oct 23 (KUNA) -- Afghan Minister of Defence Bismillah Khan Mohammadi Wednesday described Afghanistan's ties with Kuwait and other Arab countries as very good and urged them to continue their assistance and help.
"Our relations are very good with the Muslim countries, especially the Arab countries such as Egypt, and Kuwait, Saudi Arabia and the other Gulf countries," he told KUNA here.
"The Kuwaitis have helped us a lot and we thank them. They are our Muslim brothers," he stated. Mohammadi called on Kuwait and other Gulf countries to give more help to Afghanistan in its process of reconstruction, education and in other sectors.
He said he is "optimistic " about the future of his country after the withdrawal of NATO forces in 2014.
"After 2014 the situation will improve, the security will improve. It will not deteriorate," he said.
Mohammadi attended a meeting of NATO Defence Ministers with non-NATO ISAF Contributing Nations here this afternoon.
Speaking at a press conference he said the meeting was "important and constructive " and noted that all NATO countries have pledged to continue their support to Afghanistan beyond 2014.
Since the last six months the Afghan army has been in the lead of security operations in the country, he added. (end) nk.gb KUNA 232048 Oct 13NNNN