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Jordan FM: No complete Arab awakening without Palestine solution

BRUSSELS, Feb 29 (KUNA) -- Visiting Jordanian Foreign Ministers Nasser Judeh said Wednesday that in this wake of the Arab awaking, with people seeking justices and equality and a dignified life, the Palestinian issue "remains the elephant in the room". "There is no complete Arab Spring or Arab awakening without peace in the Middle East. And there will not be peace in the Middle East without a solution to the Israeli- Palestinian conflict," he told the foreign affairs committee of the European Parliament here this evening.
"And our position in this regard is very clear and well-known. It is the two-state solution, whereby the independent variable, contiguous, Palestinian state is established, along the basis of the 67-lines, and whereby Israel lives in security and the two of them, Israel and Palestine live in a secure, stable, prosperous Middle East," he noted.
Commenting on the situation in Syria, Judeh said that as a neighbour country Jordan is extremely concerned about the killing and the atrocity, and the blood spilling everyday. "We are working with the Arab League, with the international community to try and do something. The end result must be a political solution. We don't want to have any interference, that will further destabilise the region," he added. (end) nk.mt KUNA 292131 Feb 12NNNN