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"Shalit" counter aid ship heads from Netherlands to Sderot, Gaza -- Radio Israel

 GAZA, June 16 (KUNA) -- Pro-Israeli bodies in the Netherlands are organizing a ship that is to head to Israel, carrying humanitarian aid destined for Sderot and Gaza Strip, Radio Israel reported.
This comes as an effort to counter the anti-Israeli Freedom Flotilla campaign trying to break the siege on Gaza and to strike and weaken international solidarity with the strip.
The ship is carrying the name of the Israeli soldier Jilad Shalit, captured by Hamas in Gaza," with the participation of a number of Jewish, Christian, and Muslim peace activists, politicians, and people in media," the radio added.
This campaign is organized by members of a pro-Israeli Christian society, and members of the Jewish community in the Netherlands, besides Dutch intellectuals.
The organizers informed the Israeli Embassy in the Netherlands of their planned journey to Israel.
Sderot is an Israeli town located in northern Gaza Strip, and has been suffering Palestinian missile attacks for the last eight years.(end) mzt.lb KUNA 161116 Jun 10NNNN