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Russian president says Russia keen on fair, stable oil prices

MOSCOW, March 12 (KUNA) -- Russian President Dmitry Medvedev underscored here on Thursday his country's interest in fair and stable price for oil in world markets.
Medvedev said in a statement carried by Interfax news agency that Russia does not want high nor unjustified prices for oil but at the same time it is interested not to see a serious decline of these prices.
He called on member countries of the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) and other producing countries to work for a just and acceptable level of oil prices.
For his part, Russian Deputy Prime Minister Igor Ivanovich Sechin said that Russia will invite all member states of the OPEC producing countries to participate in an international conference to be held in Moscow at the end of this year to discuss the pricing policy.
He added that Russia will invite all these States to participate in the proposed conference to develop a new system for determining oil prices. (end) as.tg KUNA 121656 Mar 09NNNN