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US, Kenya to "lead global coalition to accelerate investments"

WASHINGTON, May 23 (KUNA) -- US President Joseph R. Biden and his Kenyan counterpart William Ruto agreed a common vision for sustainable development, prosperity and transition to the economies of the future.
"We are determined to lead a global coalition to accelerate investments toward clean and resilient economies and supply chains and to provide a better future for our people," according to the Joint Leaders' Statement released during the state visit to Washington by President Ruto. "Investment is critical for the United States and other advanced economies, and it is equally critical for Kenya and countries around the world to succeed in achieving the Sustainable Development Goals, bringing benefits to the entire world.
"Mounting debt burdens, exacerbated by the COVID-19 pandemic and the food insecurity crisis fueled by Russia's war against Ukraine, have put these critical investments out of reach for too many developing countries," the statement reads. "More than half of low-income countries are now at high risk of or in debt distress. In fact, a growing number of developing countries' debt payments to the rest of the world are greater than what they are receiving in new financing. "As a result, many countries are facing difficult choices between paying back creditors and making critical investments in their economy and people - like vaccinating children, building more resilient and sustainable food systems, and addressing the damaging effects of climate change. "Today, we are jointly calling for bold action from the international community to expand support for developing countries to invest in their futures. "Countries willing to commit to ambitious reforms and high-quality plans for investments in sustainable development and in addressing global challenges like climate change, pandemics and health threats, and fragility and conflict should be buoyed not abandoned by the international community to meet these ambitions. "Our shared vision not only looks to offer a better deal for such countries today but also to help build for more resilient and inclusive economies going forward," the statement added.
In a related development, the White House affirmed that the US-Kenya partnership is expanding "from a regional to global one." "Africa stands primed for historic opportunity, and together, we celebrate that Kenya has risen to the moment as a regional leader in clean energy and digital transformation, and as an anchor partner for health, security, and democracy," it said in a statement.
"We are preparing together for our next 60 years - and beyond - as friends and partners. Current global trends toward geopolitical instability, democratic backsliding, and rapid technological change have increased uncertainty for many nations.
"Yet the US-Kenya bond is stronger than ever. We are committed to deepening cultural connections, expanding opportunities for economic growth, and deepening our shared commitment to democratic values and a secure future for all.
"To further enhance our relationship, today we announce several initiatives that foster meaningful democratic reform, protect public health, expand our people-to-people connections, advance climate solutions, boost trade and investment, mitigate debt burdens in developing countries, accelerate digital innovation, and bolster global security.
"As we look to the next six decades of the US-Kenya relationship, we celebrate a partnership that is delivering for the people of the United States, Kenya, and beyond," the White House noted.
"Underscoring the elevation of our strategic relationship, President Biden announced his intent to designate Kenya as a Major Non-NATO Ally - the first such designation for a sub-Saharan African country.
"This is a powerful symbol of the close relationship our two countries share, and we welcome the increased cooperation on security and mutual priorities this action signals.
"This decision also reflects United States' respect for Kenya's increasingly significant contributions to solving regional and global challenges.
"Together, we express dismay at the deepening humanitarian crises in the Horn of Africa and the threat of famine caused by war and exacerbated by extreme climatic conditions, including acute drought followed by recent record floods.
"We share an ongoing commitment to ensuring humanitarian response and food security development assistance keeps step with the challenges facing the region and beyond.
"President Biden appreciates Kenya for engaging in multiple efforts to de-escalate conflicts in South Sudan, Sudan, the Democratic Republic of Congo, as well as between Somalia and Ethiopia. "We call on the warring parties in Sudan to facilitate unhindered humanitarian access and immediately commit to a ceasefire.
"We reiterate our shared commitment to a negotiated diplomatic solution to the conflict in the Democratic Republic of Congo and support for the Luanda and Nairobi processes.
"In Somalia, we continue to work together to support the Somali government in its fight against al-Shabaab, and reaffirm our strong cooperation in the fight against terrorism and violent extremism.
"We continue to discuss the options for a multilateral mission to follow the African Union Transitional Mission in Somalia (ATMIS).
"The United States also recognizes the longstanding generosity of Kenya in hosting refugees and providing protection to vulnerable populations in the region displaced by natural disasters, conflict, and persecution.
"The United States and Kenya reiterate the importance of building a strong asylum system in Kenya, partnering on the integration of refugees and host communities, and supporting the U.S. Refugee Admissions Program. "Together the United States and Kenya expect to focus on financial inclusion and refugee contributions to Kenya's economic development through access to business, employment, and education opportunities, as well as access to commercial and public services. "Kenya is a significant contributor to peace support operations and has deployed troops to secure peace in African nations and throughout the world.
"The United States appreciates and supports Kenya's leadership, pursuant to UN Security Council Resolution 2699, in coordinating the Multinational Security Support Mission to Haiti.
"The United States plans to provide more than $300 million in assistance and in-kind support to the mission.
"The deployment of Kenyan police to Haiti, where 1,000 of Kenya's police aim to bring much-needed safety and security to the people of this Caribbean nation is a testament to Kenya's global commitment, reach, and impact," it added. (end) rsr.gb