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Kuwait FM joins Africa Day celebration

Kuwait FM joins Africa Day celebration
Kuwait FM joins Africa Day celebration
KUWAIT, May 23 (KUNA) -- Kuwait Foreign Minister Abdullah Al-Yahya took part in a celebration commemorating Africa Day on Thursday evening under an invitation from heads of African diplomatic missions based in Kuwait. Congratulating the African ambassadors on the occasion, Al-Yahya spoke highly of the historical deep-rooted relations between Kuwait and the African countries.
He reaffirmed Kuwait's commitment to continue strengthening cooperation with the African nations on the basis of mutual respect and reciprocity, expressing his best wishes for Africa.
The celebration featured traditional, folkloric songs and dances that materialize the genuine culture of Africa and the close relationship between Kuwait and the continent.
An art exhibition, held in parallel with the celebration, showcased works of art by contemporary African artists.
On 25 May, Africa Day commemorates the historic day in 1963, when African nations came together to form the Organisation of African Unity, the precursor of the African Union (end) nma.gb