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Separating qualitative, private education to improve learning -- Minister Al-Issa

Minister of Education and Higher Education Dr. Bader Al-Issa
Minister of Education and Higher Education Dr. Bader Al-Issa

By Mervat Abdulraheem

KUWAIT, Oct 31 (KUNA) -- There are plans to separate between qualitative and private education to allow improvements in the educational process in Kuwait, said Minister of Education and Higher Education Dr. Bader Al-Issa Saturday.
Speaking to KUNA, Dr. Al-Issa said that part of the problem was the lack of specialized educational staff, adding that finding teachers capable of using new methods to transmit knowledge to students was an important factor for the success of any development plan.
The ministry is willing to learn and exchange expertize on qualitative learning with non-profit organizations' schools as part of its comprehensive development plan, said Dr. Al-Issa.
On the ministry's recent efforts to develop education in Kuwait, the minister said that some 1,000 teachers were trained to use tablet devices for educating students, revealing that some 80,000 devices will be distributed soon to a number of intermediate schools.
Back in April, the ministry and the World Bank had signed a KD 16 million four-year deal to develop the educational curriculum in Kuwait, said the minister, adding that the ministry of education's current budget of KD 1.6 billion required a boost to ensure the success of plans for development. (end) mrf.gta