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Defense officials: Israel considering apology to Turkey over deadly Gaza flotilla raid - Haaretz

 GAZA, July 17 (KUNA) -- Israeli defense officials showed on Sunday increased support for resolving the crisis between Israel and Turkey following the Mavi Marmara affair, even at the price of an apology to Ankara by Jerusalem, daily reported.
The Haaretz daily said that internal discussions between defense officials and Justice Ministry officials over the past few weeks have suggested that a cautious apology could stop possible lawsuits by Turkish organizations against Israel Defense Forces officers and bring the affair to an end.
A report by the UN-sponsored Palmer Committee on the incident, of which Israel received a draft earlier this month, is scheduled to be released in a few weeks.
The report focuses on the events of May 31, 2010, when nine Turkish nationals were killed and dozens of participants were wounded after Israeli commandos took over the ship, which was part of a flotilla to Gaza, the daily added.
Meanwhile, UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon has been trying to reach a compromise between Turkey and Israel.
Haaretz said, the committee determined that Israel used excessive force and said deaths could have been prevented in several cases - although participants armed with clubs and iron rods attacked the commanders as they descended from a helicopter to the ship.
Israeli Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman has recently come out publicly against an apology, which he said would humiliate Israel and serve as a blow to national pride. (end) mzt.asa KUNA 171214 Jul 11NNNN