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OIC warns against heavily political campaigns against Islam

JEDDAH, June 24 (KUNA) -- Organization of Islamic Conference (OIC) warned against the continuation of heavily publicized political campaigns against Muslim immigrants.
"These political campaigns are moving gradually to the United States," the OIC's report of 2010-2011, on the phenomenon of "Islamophobia", said on Friday.
The report will be submitted to freign ministers of the OIC's member states in their upcoming conference in Astana, the capital of Kazakhstan.
"Animosity against Islam and Muslims are not considered individual and spontaneous acts any more. It has become a calculated phenomenon of hostility. If developed from mere direct insults to a full-fledged distortion of Islam, then it would lead to a real threat of cultural clash," the report cautioned.
This Islamophobia methodology, which was stirred from the ideologies of some European right-winged parties, has started moving to the United States, the report noted.
Therefore, UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon and US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton warned against blowing this phenomenon out of proportion, especially after the increasing European demands on prohibiting wearing hijab (head cover for Muslim women) and applying more restrictions on Muslim immigrants.
The most influential incident that triggered Islamophonia was the Holy Quran burning campaign launched by Pastor Terry Jones against building an Islamic center near Ground Zero, in New York, the report said.
It also mentioned that Studies and surveys done by European institutions said that European society elites take advantage of the Muslims immigrants' economical and social Muslim burdens to serve their political agendas; hence negatively effecting the Muslims' chances of getting job and better health care services. (end) yms.nfm KUNA 241000 Jun 11NNNN