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Axelrod to leave White House next spring for Obama reelection

WASHINGTON, Nov 14 (KUNA) -- US President Barack Obama's senior adviser David Axelrod said on Sunday that he will leave the White House as soon as late winter to work on Obamas reelection campaign in 2012.
"Sometime in the spring, in the late winter early spring, I will be going back to Chicago and beginning to work on that project," noted Axelrod during an interview on Fox News Sunday but hinted that the political landscape in the presidential elections in 2012 would be different than the midterm congressional elections thid year when Republicans took control of Congress.
"We are going to have a whole different situation come 2012, two years is an eternity," he added.
Axelrod affirmed that the White House and the Democratic party have to focus on the problems that people are most concerned about and that concern the future of this country.
"If we fail to do that, if we fail or if the Republicans in Congress fail to do that, then I think each of us will pay a price for that," he concluded. (end) jm.bs KUNA 141942 Nov 10NNNN