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EU says Turkey losing momentum in membership process

BRUSSELS, Nov 9 (KUNA) -- The European Commission released here Tuesday its annual enlargement reports which includes the current state of preparations, the challenges ahead, and the way forward for Western Balkan countries, Turkey and Iceland.
Presenting the report in a press conference this evening, EU Commissioner for Enlargement and European Neighbourhood Policy Stefan Fulle said "despite overall progress in 2009, we are concerned that Turkey's accession process is losing its momentum." "The key to changing this is primarily with Turkey, which is expected to fully implement its current contractual relations with the EU - the Customs Union - before it it can gear up to full membership of the Union," he said.
The report concluded that Turkey has made progress in meeting EU membership criteria, in particular through the reform of its constitution.
However, it noted that further results are needed as regards fundamental rights, in particular to assure freedom of expression in practice.
Full implementation of the obligations under the Customs Union and progress towards normalisation of relations with Cyprus are needed before the country can advance more vigorously in its accession negotiations, said the report.
Turkey began EU accession talks in 2005 but only 13 of the 33 areas of negotiation - known as "chapters" - have been opened till now and only one chapter completed.
The European Commission proposed candidate status for Montenegro, and recommended that accession negotiations with Montenegro and Albania should be opened once these countries have met a number of key conditions and priorities.
The EU's executive body confirmed that Croatia is entering the final phase of its accession preparations.
Accession negotiations with Iceland were launched in July and Serbia's EU membership application is being processed.
The European Commission renewed its 2009 recommendation that accession negotiations with Macedonia should be opened, and reconfirmed the European perspective for Bosnia Herzegovina and for Kosovo. (end) nk.bs KUNA 092052 Nov 10NNNN