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Turkey agrees conditionally to NATO missile defence system

ISTANBUL, Nov 6 (KUNA) -- Turkey said it would allow the deployment of NATO's missile defence shield on its lands if three conditions are met, according to local reports on Saturday.
This comes two weeks ahead of the upcoming NATO summit, scheduled in the Portuguese capital of Lisbon on 19 November.
After a meeting of government and army officials, Turkey said it would agree providing the missile shield is under NATO command, not that of the United States, that the defence system includes Turkey and NATO member countries and that Turkey not be used as a platform for attacks on Iran, Syria and Russia, the mouthpiece of the ruling party, Yeni Shafaq daily said.
Observers view that Turkey is faced with a predicament on one hand, opting to maintain its relations with neighbouring countries, while on the other seeking to arm itself against them. (end) ta.sd KUNA 062248 Nov 10NNNN