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EU Parliament opposes food from cloned animals

BRUSSELS, Oct 19 (KUNA) -- The European Parliament (EP) has reeiterated its commitment to prevent the sale of meat and milk from cloned animals in the EU, the EP said in a statement Tuesday.
The announcement came following talks with the EU Council and the European Commission and the Commission's publication of a new report on cloning.
The EP and the Council are set to enter into conciliation negotiations to try and find an agreement on proposed updates to "novel foods" rules. The major stumbling blocks relate to food from cloned animals.
Gianni Pittella, Vice-President of the European Parliament and Chair of Parliament's delegation for conciliation negotiations on the novel foods regulation, welcomed the fact that the EU Parliament, Council and the Commission are committed to cooperating and resolving the current legal uncertainty on food from cloned animals.
"MEPs support the introduction of a moratorium - as soon as possible - to guarantee consumer protection in this sector. Parliament is also determined to ensure proper safety checks and labelling for foods produced with the aid of nanotechnology" added Pittella. (end) nk.bs KUNA 192126 Oct 10NNNN