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Ban Ki-Moon calls on Europe not to "demonize" immigrants, in particular Muslims

 BRUSSELS, Oct 19 (KUNA) -- UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon on Tuesday expressed concern over the rising discrimination against immigrants, especially Muslims in Europe.
"My predecessor Kofi Annan came to Parliament in 2004 and made an impatient call to seize the momentum on immigration and not to demonize the other. I wish I could report the situation has improved in the intervening years, but as a friend of Europe, I share profound concern," he told the European Parliament in its full session held in the city of Strasbourg this afternoon.
"Some play on people's fears. Some invoke liberal values for illiberal causes. They accuse immigrants of violating European values," he stressed.
"Today the primary target is immigrants of Muslim faith," he added and urged for tolerance in Europe.
He focused in his speech on three key challenges; fight against poverty, climate change and nuclear disarmament. (end) nk.hb KUNA 191615 Oct 10NNNN