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Only U.S. Senate race in Alaska undecided as Democrats win in Washington state

WASHINGTON, Nov 5 (KUNA) -- With news overnight that U.S. Democratic Senator Patty Murray of Washington state had defeated her Republican challenger and will win a fourth term, only one Senate race -- in Alaska -- remained undecided three days after the midterm elections.
Alaska Senator Lisa Murkowski waged a write-in campaign against the Republican who beat her in the primary, Joe Miller, and Democratic nominee Scott McAdams.
Democrats will still control the Senate with 53 seats. Murkowski has said that if she wins re-election as in independent, she will caucus with the Republicans. The victory by Murray in Washington state was secured Thursday night as tallies pushed her lead to about 46,000 votes out of more than 1.8 million counted, or about 51 percent to 49 percent. About three-quarters of the expected ballots had been counted in unofficial returns. (end) rm.ajs KUNA 051754 Nov 10NNNN