By Arwa Al-Wigayan

COXS BAZAR, Bangladesh, Oct 21 (KUNA) -- Kuwait's Red Crescent, in cooperation with Turkey's Humanitarian Relief Foundation (IHH), handed out 600 food parcels and 600 cleaning products to Rohingya refugees in Bangladesh as part of an ongoing aid campaign.
The aid comes in response to the tough humanitarian conditions experienced by the Rohingya refugees after making the difficult journey to Bangladesh after fleeing violence in Myanmar, a Kuwaiti Red Crescent (KRCS) official said.
The humanitarian aid consists of the urgent needs any refugee would require, including food and cleaning products, added Shamlan Fakhro, who is in charge of the organisation's field operations.
The official pointed out that KRCS plans to disperse further aid across the city's refugee camps in the Bangladeshi city of Cox's Bazar, located about 70 kms north of the Myanmar border.
Most of the refugees have lost their homes, some of which were burned down due to the ongoing conflict in Myanmar, said Fakhro.
They have had to walk for days without food or shelter to reach Bangladesh and are now living in makeshift camps.
KRCS is committed to aiding people across the world, regardless of their race, creed or faith, and responding to the needs of the fleeing Rohingya families - consisting mostly women and children, he added.
The refugees, who currently live in tough conditions after fleeing violence in Myanmar, are currently housed in camps in the Bangladeshi city of Cox's Bazar, located about 70 kms away from the Myanmar border. (end)