PARIS, Jan 15 (KUNA) -- French President Francois Hollande said on Sunday that failure to achieve peace in the Middle East presented threats to the security of countries of the region but also threatened world stability.
Speaking at the Paris Mideast Peace Conference that brought together over 70 nations and international organisations here, Hollande urged ongoing efforts to achieve peace between Israelis and Palestinians and he issued a strong message of support for the Two-State solution, which is currently threatened by Israeli settlement building and lack of political dialogue between the parties.
"Efforts engaged years ago must be pursued," the French President said. "The Two-State solution is the only solution for peace and security." He rejected criticism of "naivety" that has been raised by Israel which has refused any association with the peace conference and has called it "insignificant" and "futile" exercise." Hollande also rejected Israeli accusations of interference in the failed negotiating process that has collapsed for six years with Palestinians.
"There is no question of dictating to the parties the parameters of a solution," he stated. "That is up to the Palestinian and Israeli leaders." Hollande vowed to continue to process to try to help restart negotiations on the basis of a Two-State solution, noting "this is still the aim of the international community" and "the region still supports this solution." He welcomed the broad participation at the Paris Conference which he said was "proof we are not giving anything up" in our efforts for peace.
France's initiative to bring the international community together is "an alarm bell" to warn of the dangers to peace and the threats that are growing for the peace process and the Two-State solution.
"That is why it was important to take and to retake the initiative," Hollande explained.
In spite of other violent conflicts that have needed mobilisation in Syria, Iraq, Yemen and the war on so-called Islamic State, the international community should not overlook the root crisis in the region, which is the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, he said. "How can one imagine that the Middle East could recover stability if we don't address this most ancient of its conflicts" between Israelis and Palestinians," Hollande warned.
He cautioned that this conflict "continues to serve as a pretext for criminals" who misuse it for extremist purposes.
"That is why the world cannot and must not resign itself to the status quo," he said.
Specifically on the aims of Sunday's event, Hollande said that the conference "must give guarantees and encouragements" to the parties to inject new impetus into the moribund process.
He said "incentives" are important and the economic, governance and civil society proposals were vital in seeking progress between the parties.
"This method allowed the identification of many public/private projects," he indicated, noting projects for infrastructure, transport, energy and other sectors.
Hollande remarked that in contacts with both sides, working groups have found a good response to their efforts.
"We note that good will is still there," he said, describing positive contacts with 150 Israeli and Palestinian NGOs and Associations for work between their Civil Societies.
He stressed the need to move forward and create two States - Israel and Palestine - living side-by-side in security.
"The question of security for Israel, for the region and the Palestinians should not be forgotten," he pointed out, adding "world security is at stake." (Pickup previous) jk.rk