By Mubarak Al-Hajri

BEIRUT, Jan 7 (KUNA) -- The Kuwaiti and Qatari Red Crescent societies delivered on Thursday relief supplies to 250 Syrian refugee families in the eastern region of Zahle, a KRCS official said.
Menhel Al-Enezi, the chief of the KRCS field team, told KUNA that mattresses and blankets were distributed to the Syrians in Al-Rahab town, close to the market-tourist town Zahle, indicating that the materials were given to the refugees in coordination with the Qatari relief team as part of a joint Gulf humanitarian project. He added that 200 food rations and bedclothes were also delivered to Syrian refugees in Al-Marj town in the eastern Bekaa valley.
Meanwhile, Athbi Al-Nuwaiem, member of the Kuwaiti society, said the "warm winter campaign 2016," launched days ago, would secure necessities for 30,000 Syrian families in various Lebanese regions.
He added that the aided refugees expressed gratitude to Kuwait, namely His Highness the Amir and the Government as well as the people.
Lebanon hosts more than one million Syrians who have fled the civil warfare at home. Many of them live in poor conditions that dramatically worsen during winter times when this country witnesses heavy snowfalls.
KRCS teams have braved difficult conditions resulting from snowing and reached the refugees in remote regions. (end) mah.rk