WASHINGTON, Jan 29 (KUNA) -- The US expressed deep concern on Wednesday over the arrests and indefinite detentions of Equatoguinean citizens protesting the expenditures incurred by the Equatoguinean government to host the ongoing Cup of African Nations (CAN) football tournament, noted a State Department release late Wednesday.
"Celestino Okenve, a member of the opposition party Popular Union, and Antonio Nguema were both detained on January 14, and Miguel Mbomio was arrested on January 16, accused of distributing or possessing literature calling for a peaceful public boycott of the CAN football matches," noted the statement.
All three remain in police custody in Bata, though no official charges have been filed.
The US also noted its concern over reports that a detainee may have been assaulted while in police custody and have not been allowed access to legal counsel. The three have been held without charges for more than the 72 hours permitted under Equatorial Guinea law and, "should be released immediately," said the statement.
The US reiterated its call for the Equatoguinean government to ensure the humane treatment of individuals arrested and access to legal counsel. (end) ak.hb