RABAT, Dec 19 (KUNA) -- Moroccan King Mohammad VI on Friday sacked Youth and Sports Minister Mohammad Ouzzine due to irregularities, including opening an investigation over the field of Prince Moulay Abdullah Sports Complex in Rabat, which hosted the 2014 Club World Cup quarter finals.
Moroccan news agency (MAP) said that Following the shortcomings which have marked one of the games scheduled as part of the 2014 Club World Cup quarter finals in the field of Prince Moulay Abdullah Sports Complex in Rabat, King Mohammad VI "gave his orders to the head of government to open deep and comprehensive investigations in order to determine the responsibilities for such irregularities." The king also "instructed the head of government to suspend the activities of youth and sports minister in relation to this international sports event, including his presence in the final match, awaiting the results of the said investigation." The decision comes one day prior to hosting the 2014 Club World Cup quarter finals in the Rabat stadium, especially after reports of repair and maintenance was made to the stadium but heavy rains showing otherwise.
Tomorrow, the 2014 Club World Cup finals will be played at Stade de Marrakech stadium between Spain's Real Madrid and Argentine's San Lorenzo. (end) adt.mb