NEW YORK, Sept 16 (KUNA) -- Prior the opening of the 69th session of the General Assembly, United Nations Secretary General Ban Ki-moon told the press that more than 140 heads of state or government will attend, as well as Civil society leaders, CEOs and other influential global figures to address "horrendous" violence in Syria and Iraq, where conflict and governance failures have provided a breeding ground for extremist groups.
Ban welcomed the growing international consensus to act against this serious threat to global and regional peace and security. He also said that the violence continues in Mali, South Sudan and the Central African Republic, and promised that the UN will not let these crises be forgotten.
He confirmed that the situation in and around Ukraine remains volatile. and in Libya, order is breaking down.
"In the aftermath of yet another devastating war in Gaza, Israelis and Palestinians seem more polarized than ever," he added.
In Nigeria, the advances of Boko Haram grow more alarming every day, as in Syria and Iraq, the terrorist organizations not only carrying out attacks but seizing large areas of land beyond the government's control, he added.
Furthermore, Ban confirmed that the world is facing multiple crises, each has its own dynamics, and requires its own approach: but all have featured atrocious attacks on civilians, including children, all have dangerous sectarian, ethnic or tribal dimensions, and many have seen sharp divisions within the international community itself over the response.
On his next week's speech, Ban said he will call on world leaders to unite and uphold human dignity, the rule of law and the principles of the United Nations Charter.
Nevertheless, a special focus on Ebola Virus Disease will take place, which is a cause of huge concern in West Africa and beyond, he confirmed.
"Two days from now, the Security Council will convene an emergency meeting on the outbreak, WHO Director General Margaret Chan and I will outline the international action plan to contain this threat," he said.
Next week, the General Assembly will follow-up with a High-Level Meeting on the needs of the people and countries affected by Ebola, in addition to generous contributions are being announced each day - but "we have a lot of catching up to do to provide the health services, food, water, sanitation and supplies that are needed," he said.
He reconfirmed that this is not just a health crisis; it has grave humanitarian, economic and social consequences that could spread far beyond the affected countries.
The United Nations is determined to meet this test of international cooperation and solidarity.
The new session of the General Assembly will be a pivotal period for our efforts to defeat poverty and adopt a new generation of sustainable development goals, he said.
The Climate Summit will take place one week from today, has two goals, he said, first, to mobilize political will for a universal and meaningful climate agreement next year in Paris; and second to generate ambitious steps to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and strengthen resilience.
"We are anticipating an impressive turnout of leaders from government, business, finance and civil society," he affirmed. (end) mao.hb