CAIRO, July 4 (KUNA) -- The Egyptian press was as pre-dominated by the latest political developments and Mohamed Morsi's ouster as the masses on the streets and in public squares Thursday, with strong headlines.
The front pages were all comment over the agreement reached between the country's religious, national, and youth figures over a roadmap for the future, as announced by Minister of Defense General Abdel-Fatah El-Sisi, the Armed Forces General Commander.
Al-Gomhuria's headline was "People's Legitimacy Victorious", and the Sisi announcement was described as "historic" as the armed forces "could no longer turn deaf ear to the calls of the people, calling on them to honor their patriotic rather than political duty." Akhbar Elyom meanwhile stressed some of the resolutions included in the announcement by El-Sisi. It noted the suspension of the constitution temporarily, and holding of early presidential elections, and an interim president holding the fort in the meantime. It also stressed the formation of a cabinet which includes competent national figures, as well as formation of a committee to revise proposed constitutional amendments.
As for Al-Wafd, it focused on the announcement of Al-Azhar's Sheikh Ahmad El-Tayeb that he seconded the call for early presidential elections "because it was the lesser of two evils" and to guarantee "an exit from the country's political crisis." Moving on to Al-Masry Al-Youm, it chose to stress Pope Tawadros's saying that Egypt was on a watershed moment of its history. It quoted him stressing the agreed roadmap was "drafted with all sincerity and with eyes on the future.
" Shorouk News meanwhile stressed Dr. Mohammad El-Beradei's view that the announced roadmap serves as an adjustment of the course of the January 25 revolution and a new beginning in the march for justice and freedom.
The Interior Ministry's press release stating total commitment to the security and safety of the Egyptian people and its continued service, each in their respective post, was the focus of Al-Ahram.
The paper quoted an official source indicating that the ministry deployed heavily across the country and most heavily in the streets of Cairo and Alexandria in anticipation of the announcement of the armed forces. It also noted heavy mechanized divisions had been deployed to thwart any threat to national security.(end) rg.wsa KUNA 041133 Jul 13NNNN