JEDDAH, May 4 (KUNA) -- Representative of His Highness the Amir of Kuwait Sheikh Meshal Al-Ahmad Al-Jaber Al-Sabah, the Minister of Foreign Affairs Abdullah Al-Yahya said the 15th Islamic Summit of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) takes place at a time when the Islamic nation is facing formidable challenges and unprecedented turmoil.
In his address to the opening session of the two-day event in Banjul, capital of Gambia, on Saturday, Sheikh Abdullah conveyed the greetings of His Highness the Amir to the heads of state and government and chief delegates.
"The Islamic nation is undergoing a complicated stage fraught with trans-border peril, wars and natural disasters that no country can address solely. "On top of these challenges is the occupying power's aggression on the brotherly people of Palestine which continues amid inaction by the UN Security Council and complete failure by the international community to stand the test of values and principles," he regretted.
"The State of Kuwait had warned once and again against the international community using of double standards in addressing the Palestine question," Sheikh Abdullah said.
Reiterating the call for finding a fair, peaceful and comprehensive solution, and deterring Israel, the occupying power, from persisting in its criminal acts, he said, "This is the biggest and most serious challenge that requires the Islamic states coordinating their stances and doubling their efforts to put an end to the Israeli atrocity, implement the relevant UN resolutions, provide international protection for the civilian population in Palestine and bring to book the Israeli accomplices in crimes." "The Palestine question will continue to be the core concern for the Arab and Muslim nations. "It is high time for the world to realize that peace, security and stability in the region are unlikely without a just, durable and comprehensive settlement to the issue that could meet the aspirations of the brotherly people of Palestine and the entire Muslim nation," Sheikh Abdullah underscored.
Dealing with the phenomenon of Islamophobia, he said the Islamic Faith has been subject to a tendentious witch-hunt that aims to defame its noble principles such as tolerance, peacefulness and coexistence.
"The responsivity rests with us all to protect the true image of Islam against the hostile defamation campaigns," he urged, voicing hope that the Summit would lead to consensus on how to address the current challenges.
The 15th Islamic Summit, being held under theme of "Enhancing Unity and Solidarity through Dialogue for Sustainable Development," gathered 12 heads of state and government, 31 foreign ministers and cabinet members, and representatives of several regional and international organizations. (end)